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  1. M. S. Silver, R. I. Joseph, and D.I. Hoult, Highly Selective π/2 and π Pulse Generation, J. Magn. Reson. 1984; 58: 347

  2. M. S. Silver, R. I. Joseph, et. al. , Highly Selective Spin Inversion in NMR, Nature, 1984; 310:681 

  3. M. S. Silver, R. I. Joseph, and D.I. Hoult, Selective Spin Inversion in nuclear magnetic resonance and coherent optics, Phys. Rev. A, 1985:31: 2753

  4. F. Loaiza, K. T. Lim, W. S. Warren M. S. Silver, H. Egloff, B. Kiefer, and G. Laub, Crafted Pulses and Pulse sequences for MR Imaging, Heath Care Instr. 1986;1:188

  5. M. L. Wood, M. S. Silver, and V. M. Runge, Optimization  of Spoiler Gradients in Flash MRI, Magn. Reson. Imag., 1987; 5:455

  6. F. Loaiza, M. McCoy, M. H. Levitt, M. S. Silver, and W. S. Warren, Excitation in Inhomogeneously broadened systems, J. Magn. Reson. 1988; 76:504

  7. R. R. Edelman, D. Atkinson, M. S. Silver, F. Loaiza, and W. S. Warren, Frodo Technique: A New method for artifact reduction, Radiology, 1988; 166:231

  8. F Loaiza, MA McCoy, WS Warren, MS Silver, H Egloff Crafted Pulses For Imaging and in-Vivo NMR Spectroscopy, Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 508 (1), 483-487 1987 




  1. W. Wolf, M. J. Albright, M. S. Silver, H. Weber, U. Reichhart, and R. Sauer, Flourine-19 NMR spectroscopic studies  of 5-Fluorouracil in the liver of patients undergoing chemotherapy, Magn. Reson. Imag., 1987; 5:165

  2. W Wolf, MS Silver, MJ Albright, H Weber, U Reichardt, R Sauer A Non invasive Study of Drug Metabolism in Patients as Studied by 19F NMR Spectroscopy of 5Fluorouracil Ann. NY Acad. of Sci. 508 (1), 491-493 4 1987





  1. V. M. Runge, M. L. Wood, and M. S. Silver, Improvement in lesion detection using Slice profile optimization, Radiology, 1988; 167:382 

  2. R.R. Edelman, H.P. Mattle, J. Kleefeld, and M. S. Silver, Quantification of blood flow with MR imaging and presaturation bolus tracking, Radiology, 1989; 171(2):551

  3. E. K. Yucel, M. S. Silver, and A. P. Carter. MR angiography of normal pelvic arteries:

comparison of contrast for three different inflow techniques. Am. J .Roentgenol. 1994; 163:197

  1. A.R. Gillams, M. S. Silver, and A. P.  Carter. New contrast alternatives from  MTC. J. Mag. Res. Imag. 1995;

  2. J Gieseke, B Ostertun, L Solymosi, F Tr×”ber, P van Dijk, M Silver, M Reiser MR  arterio-and venography: strategies for using 2D and 3D inflow procedures]. Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering 35, 247 1990

  3. J Gieseke, B Ostertun, L Solymosi, F Tr×”ber, P van Dijk, M Silver, M Reiser , MR-Arteriound Venographie: Strategien zum Einsatz von 2D-und 3D-lnflow Verfahren Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering 35 (s3), 247-248 1990


Books and Monographs


  1. W. S. Warren and M. S. Silver, The art of Pulse crafting: Applications to Magnetic Resonance and Laser Spectroscopy, In: Waugh, J S, ed., Adv. Magn. Reson., New York: Academic Press, 1988:12 365

  2. W. Wolf, M. S. Silver, M. J. Albright, H. Weber. U. Reichardt and R. Sauer. A Non-Invasive Study of Drug Metabolism in Patients as Studied by F-19 NMR Spectroscopy of 5-Fluorouracil. pp. 491-493, in "Physiological NMR Spectroscopy: From Isolated Cells to Man", Sheila M. Cohen and Jeffery R. Alger, ed.. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1988. 



19. Silver, M. S. Selective Pulse Analysis: Generation of Highly Selective π/2 and π pulses for NMR Imaging and Spectroscopy Applications.  Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University 1985. 99p. 


Magazine Article  

  1. AR. Gillams and M. S. Silver. Magnetization Transfer Offers Improved Brain Contrast, MR Magazine Nov/Dec 1993.

  2. DI Hoult, MS Silver, CN Chen, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Medicine ,J. of Comp. Assis. Tom. 6 (4), 862 1982 


Abstracts of Presentations  

  1. M. S. Silver, R. I. Joseph, and D. I. Hoult, Selective pulse creation by inverse solution of the Bloch-Riccati Equation. Magn. Reson. Med. 1984; 1:294

  2. M. S. Silver, W. Schajor, and H. Hedwig, Improvement in Image Quality through application of special selective pulses. SMRM Fourth Annual Meeting, Book of Abstracts, 1985; 1058

  3. F. Loiaza, M. S. Silver, and W. S. Warren,  Optimized 90° and 180° pulses for fast imaging and spectroscopy- a new generation of RF pulses.  SMRM Fifth annual meeting, Book of Abstracts,  1986; 1,:480, 

  4. W. Wolf, J, R. Griffiths, M, Silver and H. Bruckner, Can NMR Contribute to the Radiopharmacokinetics of 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) in Man?. , Presented at the Symposium on Metabolic Imaging with NMR, SPECT and PET, held in Palm Beach, Florida March 3-5, 1986.

  5. W. Wolf, M. Silver, M. Albright, H- Weber. U- Reichardt and R. Sauer, NMR Spectroscopy Studies of Fluorinated Drugs. Presented at the conference on "Physiological Spectroscopy: From Isolated Cells to Man, New York Academy of Sciences

  6. M. S. Silver, W. Wolf , M. J. Albright, F-19 NMR spectroscopy of Fluorouracil metabolism in the liver.  International Symposium on In vivo composition studies,  October 1, 1986.

  7. M. S. Silver, A. Shetty, R. D. White, and C. Paschal, Optimization of Flow Enhancement and suppression techniques in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging, SMRM Eighth Annual Meeting, 848 1989

  8. M. S. Silver and A. Shetty, Improvement in visualization of the fine structures of the heart , Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Eighth Annual Meeting, Book of Abstracts,  WIP-

642,  1989 

  1. M. S. Silver, B. Ostertun, J. Gieseke, et. al., Improvement in MR Angiography of the Abdomen and extremities using very fast FFE sequence and segmented k space acquisition, Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Tenth Annual Meeting, Book of Abstracts, 133, 1991. 

  2. B. Ostertun, E. Keller, P. van Dijk, M. S. Silver, and M. Reiser, Magnetic Resonance Angiography in postoperative control of peripheral bypass surgery. Proceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Annual Meeting, August 1991

  3. M. S. Silver, Invited lecture on New Angio techniques, Annual Angio meeting L'Aquila, Italy, October 1991.

  4. M. S. Silver, 3D Fast Imaging of the  Abdomen: Improvement in segmented k space acquisition, Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Eleventh Annual Meeting, Book of Abstracts, 3243, 1992.

  5. J. J. van Vaals, G. van Iperen, M. S. Silver, M. E. Bernardino, R. Nelson, and J.  Chesmar, Optimization of T2 - weighted Turbo Spin Echo in Breathhold imaging at 1.5 T and 0.5 T., Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Eleventh Annual Meeting, Book of Abstracts, 3207, 1992 

  6. AR. Gillams, M. S. Silver, and A. P. Carter, Magnetization Transfer contrast: The Solution for Dark CSF and T2 contrast in the Brain,  SMRM Twelfth Annual Meeting, Book of Abstracts,

1433 (1993)

  1. M. S. Silver and A. R. Gillams, Clinical Applications of MTC: a Technical Assessment. IEEE Symposium on Nuclear Science and Medical Imaging, Proceedings, (1993)

  2. R. Gillams, M. S. Silver, and A. P. Carter, Can MTC Provide New Insight into Intervertebral Disc Pathology? Presented MT Workshop SMRI/SMRM July 1993.

  3. AR Gillams, M. S. Silver, and A. P. Carter, MTC and Spin-echo Imaging: A Time-Efficient Method for Producing Both T2 lesion Contrast and Dark CSF. Presented MT Workshop, SMRI/SMRM  July 1993.

  4. AR. Gillams, M. S. Silver, and A. P. Carter. Magnetization Transfer Contrast; methods and clinical utility, Presented at the European Congress of Radiology, 1993 

  5. M. S. Silver, A. R. Gillams, Magnetization Transfer in Clinical Practice. Radiology , 189, (P) 289 (1993). 

  6. M. S. Silver, A. R. Gillams. Utility of magnetization transfer contrast. Presented at The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Conference on Medical Imaging, November 1993

  7. AR. Gillams, M. Benjamin, M. S. Silver, and A. P. Carter. Vessel diameter as a function of MRA technique. Am. J. Radiol. 162, (3) 53, (1994).

  8. AR. Gillams and M. S. Silver. On versus off resonance MT in clinical practice. Accepted for presentation at the Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting, 1994.

  9. D. T. Gibbens, A. I. Ahmed, M. S. Silver, E. K. Yucel. Comparison of five techniques for renal MR angiography. ARRS 94th Annual Meeting Proceedings 102 (1994), 

  10. F. A. Alameddine , E. K. Yucel, R. D'Agostino, L. Skibo, P. Hentzen, M. S. Silver, Carter AP, Accuracy of MRA in aortoiliac occlusive disease: prospective comparison of three techniques. Association of University Radiologists 42nd Annual Meeting, 1-6 (1994) 



Invited Lectures  


  1. Invited lecture: Advance MRI and Spectroscopy, NJ Chapter of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, 16 May 1988. 

  2. Fast MR Imaging Techniques presented at Montefiore Hospital Department of Radiology, 24 May 1994. 

  3. Facing Challenges and Seizing Opportunities: Applications of Diagnostic Imaging to Pharmaceuticals Development and Neuro Science., presented at NIDA, Neuroimaging Section, Baltimore, MD,  1 March 1995.   

  4. Lecture series on Medical Physics to Albert Einstein School of Medicine, Bronx, NY 1994

  5. Lecture series on Medical Physics to St. Vincent's Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Staten Island, NY 1995. 








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